How to Check if your Kid's New School Shoes fit properly yourself.

If shopping for new school shoes for your Kids is a huge stress below are some really simple instructions to help you save time, money and worry.
Shops that offer a children's fitting service and shoes in special fittings can be incredibly busy at this time of year and you will be paying a premium for the trained staff and the specially fitting shoes 
It can be a nightmare dragging your children to the shops and keeping them calm while you are all waiting.
But you can check the fitting of any child's shoe for yourself.
1) Put both shoes on and do the shoes up fully
 .(If they’ll be wearing socks try them on with socks)
2) Get your Child to stand up (so their feet are in the normal position).
Gently Press on toe of each shoe till you feel your child’s big toe
• There should be between 1 and 2cm of room at the end for growth. (this is why children’s shoes should have a lace or strap to hold their foot in place)
 (There should be no more than 2 cm as this can be a trip hazard)
3) Gently stroke your fingers down the sides of the shoes. There should be a little give before you feel your child’s little toe.
• If your child is pushing out the sides the shoe isn’t wide enough
• If there’s much more than ½ cm then the shoe’s too wide.
4) Get your child to walk in them.
• If the shoe’s dropping off try doing it up more tightly while your child is sat with their heel on the floor and the toe lifted up. (This puts the foot into the best position in the shoe)
A few notes :
You can get away with a bit more growing room in boots
Laces can be adjusted to give room at the toe and tightened at the instep to reduce movement.
The fit of shoes  vary from make to make and style to style so if one style doesn't fit look for a similar from a different shop that may prove suitable.
In Meek's we specialise in Quality Branded footwear such as Kickers and Skechers.
We train our staff to help with the fitting  and They gain a lot of experience fitting hundreds of children so know a lot about the styles we offer.
Also we've sold children's shoes for a 100+ years and understand which styles are most likely to fit well and survive Kids.
This means we can save you time and worry 

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